Pricing Strategy and Consumer Purchase Behaviour in the Satchet Water Industry


Ogundipe, C. F. , Adelugba, I. A ,

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Volume 4 - September 2022 (09)


The study focused on pricing strategy and consumer purchase behaviour of sachet water in Ado-Ekiti Metropolis. A descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The sample size was 399. Primary data used for the study were gathered through the administration of structured questionnaire to the respondents. The data obtained were analysed using multiple regression. The study found that pricing strategy has significant influence on consumer purchase behaviour (t= 8.602, p= 0.000 < 0.05) at 0.05 level of significance. The study concluded that pricing strategy significantly affects consumer purchase behaviour of sachet water in Ado-Ekiti Metropolis. 


Pricing, Consumer, Purchase Behaviour


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