Electronic Banking: A Traditional Banking Alternative and Antecedent of Customer Satisfaction in Nigeria (Covid-19 Pandemic Approach)


Bankole, O. A , Afolabi, J. A , Eguabor, R. O , Obalakin, I. O ,

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Volume 4 - September 2022 (09)


The present study examined electronic banking as a traditional banking alternative and antecedent of customer satisfaction in Nigeria. A descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The sample size was 360 through random sampling. Primary data used for the study were gathered through the administration of structured questionnaire. Data gathered were analyzed using multiple regressions. The result showed that mobile banking positively affects customer satisfaction (t=5.398, at P<0.05), Furthermore, showed that internet banking positively affects customer satisfaction (t=4.885, at P<0.05) Moreso, showed that automated teller machine positively affects customer satisfaction (t=4.424, at P<0.05and finally, point of sales positively affect customer satisfaction (t=7.186, at P<0.05). Thus, concluded that electronic banking positively affects customer satisfaction particularly in Nigeria. From the findings, the recommendation was proffered.


Electronic, Banking, Customer, Satisfaction


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