Impact of Digital Marketing Communication on Organizational Growth


Mr. Michael Owusu-Kyei , Prof Yusheng Kong , Dr. Michael Owusu-Akomeah , Dr. Stephen Owusu Afriyie ,

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Volume 4 - September 2022 (09)


This paper offers views on some current and future trends in marketing. The content is based on recent literature and on what is happening in the business world. The study explains digital marketing communication and it impact on organizational growth. It is known in today’s marketing world that, digital medium of communication has become new norm for most organizations. It is important to note that social media space has huge audience therefore it is right to target from the various social media platforms. The study examines digital communication medium like visual advertising, social media (Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp), E-mail and also website.The target population was 200 clients of Kelondo, however the sample size of 200 was determined by using Muller and Brewer (2003) formula: n= P/1+P (δ)2. Therefore, the size was 193.The questionnaire used for this research consisted of only closed – ended questions. The survey was created using Google forms online platform and distributed randomly through social media platforms like WhatsApp, and personal contacts. The online survey contained multiple choices which allow respondents to express themselves by selecting the best possible answers to the questions asked. This enabled us to collect and analyze accurate information collected.
The quantitative data collected through the questionnaire was coded in Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) a tool for data analysis. I then went forward to analyze the data and the answers were then available in tables and chart.


Digital Marketing, Customers, Impact, Social Media


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