Which way to go? Choosing Marketing Strategy of Bank Al – Habib Limited: Exposure to Consumer Banking
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History is a powerful testimony of the fact that Banks in Pakistan has faced huge ups and downs, but still it has shown a tremendous growth. Banks are considered as the major player of financial sector that act as a backbone of any country. Each and every organization has faced or developed a history which is the evident of their growth over the period of time. In that they have made some good decisions and even sometimes some bad too. Among all the decisions made by the organization, the decision about the Investment is one of the most important to be made and requires a brief and careful analysis.
It was December 2016 when Mansoor Ali Khan (CEO of Bank Al – Habib limited) was observing the financials after the report which narrates Bank Al – Habib Limited as seventh largest Bank of Pakistan in terms of deposits (Refer Table 01). The development team of Bank Al – Habib Limited suggested to the CEO on the basis of their financials that they should enhance their exposure to consumer banking extensively (especially in short term loan / consumer finance / credit card facility). The problem which makes Mr. Mansoor so much worry is their past history in which they have remained very conservative for such exposure. Beside this he is also unable to decide that if he allows such a exposure which channel/s should be selected by the Bank to market their this exposure.
You are an advising expert and you are connected by Mr. Mansoor to suggest that whether it is good for them to have such an exposure or not. If yes, than you must also develop a fine marketing strategy/plan for them on the basis of their past history, financials.
Marketing Strategy, Bank Al – Habib Limited, Consumer Banking
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"BankAlHabib”. BankAlHabib.com N.p., 2017. Web. 17 May 2017.
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