The Effect of Sales Promotion Strategies on the Buying Attitudes of Retail Store Customers in Gombe Local Government
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This study examines the impact of sales promotion strategies on the buying attitudes of retail store customers in Gombe Local Government Area, Gombe State, Nigeria. The research design used in the study was survey and the study covers the period of twelve month from January to December 2019. The population of the study is the estimated 445 customers across the five (5) existing retail stores in Gombe Local Government. Total of 210 customers were selected based on simple random sampling technique adopted. Only primary source of data was employed through the use of questionnaire and the technique utilized for data analysis is multiple linear regression analysis. It was found that three predicator variables used as proxied of independent variable sales promotion strategies- Coupon Sales (CS), Buy-one-get-one-free (BG) and Rebates (RB) has significant impact on the explained variable Buying Attitude (BA) of the retail stores customers in Gombe Local Government Area, Gombe State. While, Price Discount (PD) and Sex (SEX) used as proxied of independent variable has no significant impact on BA of customers of the sample retail store. The study recommends that; management of the retail stores should ensure effective integration of communication tools to ensure that the intended objectives for all promotional tools are achieved. It is equally important for management to fully utilize technology to attract consumers to their various brands. Social media tools have become more appealing to the youth hence retail stores must explore its full benefits
Buying attitude, Sales promotion strategies, Customers, Gombe, Nigeria.
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